Red Sands Radio - Part 1

In the build up to the first broadcasts of a radio station to transmit from the Fort since 1967

Press Releases #s 1-3 & colourful pictures provided by Ricardo Insua-Cao & Errol Sidelsky

Red Sands Forts from the south east

The Red Sands Army Fort complex

Red Sands Radio Press Release 1

Press Release 1 - PDF File - 14th May 2007

Red Sands from the Kentish Flats

Tow pictures of Red Sands

Red Sands from the Kentish Flats Windfarm

From the Kentish Flats Windfarm

Red Sands Radio Press Release 2

Press Release 2 - PDF File - 23rd May 2007

Red Sand Fort Cluster

Seagulls until now the only occupants of Red Sands

Red Sands Radio Press Release 3

Press Release 3 - PDF File - 29th May 2007

Gun Tower 4

Gun Tower 4

Kentish Flats

Dramatic sunset & spray from our RiB

City of the Lost Children Book Cover

Have you seen the French film “City of Lost Children” from the mid-90s?

When I first saw small blurred photo of the Forts in an English newspaper in Morocco, straight away I thought about that film set around a small rusted oil rig where an old professor who has never dreamt kidnaps children to steal their dreams. Quite a beautiful film - Ricardo

8 year olds painting of Red Sands

Thought you might like to see a painting one of my little pupils has just finished. He's just turned 8 and its in oils think its quite fun - Ricardo

This feature continues in Red Sands Radio - Part 2

13/07/07 - I am excited by your Red Sands Project, & do not want to take up too much of your time when you are preparing for the event which is up & coming this month. Just to let you know I will be trying to tune in on AM. I will make a front page mention of your station on my website. I was amazed a couple of days ago when looking through my CD's etc, how many of your documentaries I have.

I wish you every success with Red Sands &d complement you on a really exciting web site as usual. An anorak with radio roots comes up trumps again & again. I am also amazed you have kept some of the old BASF tape guides etc - I was browsing your CD's & books and note that you have improved those pages as well. All the Best, Keith Knight the wireless waffler

09/07/07 - Many Congratulations to all Bob-a real achievement.
Looking forward to it. Also,hope to hear Robin Banks on air-have some great recordings of him on RNI. Excellent communicator. Regards, Tony James BBC

21/06/07 - Best wishes - good luck with the broadcast! Terry Cleaver (Dover, Kent)

For a brief history of all the Thames Estuary Forts see Fort Fax

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