Red Sands Radio - Part 1
In the build up to the first broadcasts of a radio station to transmit from the Fort since 1967
Press Releases #s 1-3 & colourful pictures provided by Ricardo Insua-Cao & Errol Sidelsky
The Red Sands Army Fort complex
Press Release 1 - PDF File - 14th May 2007
Tow pictures of Red Sands
From the Kentish Flats Windfarm
Press Release 2 - PDF File - 23rd May 2007
Seagulls until now the only occupants of Red Sands
Press Release 3 - PDF File - 29th May 2007
Gun Tower 4
Dramatic sunset & spray from our RiB
Have you seen the French film “City of Lost Children” from the mid-90s?
When I first saw small blurred photo of the Forts in an English newspaper in Morocco, straight away I thought about that film set around a small rusted oil rig where an old professor who has never dreamt kidnaps children to steal their dreams. Quite a beautiful film - Ricardo
Thought you might like to see a painting one of my little pupils has just finished. He's just turned 8 and its in oils think its quite fun - Ricardo
This feature continues in Red Sands Radio - Part 2
13/07/07 - I am excited by your Red Sands Project, & do not want to take up too much of your time when you are preparing for the event which is up & coming this month. Just to let you know I will be trying to tune in on AM. I will make a front page mention of your station on my website. I was amazed a couple of days ago when looking through my CD's etc, how many of your documentaries I have.
I wish you every success with Red Sands &d complement you on a really exciting web site as usual. An anorak with radio roots comes up trumps again & again. I am also amazed you have kept some of the old BASF tape guides etc - I was browsing your CD's & books and note that you have improved those pages as well. All the Best, Keith Knight the wireless waffler
09/07/07 - Many Congratulations to all Bob-a
real achievement.
Looking forward to it. Also,hope to hear Robin Banks on air-have some great
recordings of him on RNI. Excellent communicator. Regards, Tony James BBC
21/06/07 - Best wishes - good luck with the broadcast! Terry Cleaver (Dover, Kent)
For a brief history of all the Thames Estuary Forts see Fort Fax