Red Sands Radio - Part 2a
Issue 2 : Updated : 21st February 2008
February 2008
Red Sands Radio came together almost by accident. We'd offered the Fort to all the local stations in Kent, who were at first enthusiastic to be involved
The first serious supply trip out on Saturday 30th June - Hardware arrives at the Harbour on Justin Yardley's Truck
But for a variety of reasons & undoubtedly the weather, you can't expect today's DJ's to rough it can we, the stations didn't participate. On reflection they'd have only presented an hour or two from the Fort, we ended up with something much more substantial
X-Pilot approaching Whitstable
Sitting down to chat things through in April, after the 3rd & final station declined. I pitched the idea that we should do it ourselves & put a proper radio station back on the Fort
X-Pilot on East Quay, gear stacked ready to go onboard in heavy rain
That was the beginning of what was the craziest idea I've ever had. The weather was spiteful with much of the UK flooded, people homes wrecked & gales battering the shoreline of Britain
Nevertheless we'd begun
New 2 section landing stage ladder, studio desks & furniture
The ladder on deck & TV cabinet
Mandy Kewley has a puff as Big Phil Shepherd secures RiB
The Balmoral arrives as the X-Pilot prepares to leave
Big Phil with rain in his eyes, Justin & Mandy ready to slip the mooring
As the X-Pilot passes the Balmoral
The 2nd supply trip out on Saturday 7th July
For what was to be two intensive days labour
Press Release 4 - PDF File - 7th June 2007
6 stage builders scaffold tower on top deck
Leaving Harbour with the prospect of choppy seas
X-Pilot owner skipper Alan at the helm
Oops, a good omen?
Still quite lumpy off Red Sands Fort, the closest Tower with open doors is the G1 Southern Gun Tower which was the first to be used for radio transmissions in both 1964 & in 2007
Plan above - The bottom Tower is the G1 Southern Gun Tower
X-Pilot lays off
Bofors Tower from the new Mowlem landing stage