Red Sands Radio 390

Senior Engineer Lawrence Bean shares photographs uncovered from his personal collection

Red Sands Forts

Approaching Red Sands Forts from the South West (1964)

Red Sands Forts from West

Radio K.I.N.G photograph of the Red Sands Forts from West (1965)

Red Sands Forts

Gun Tower 3 and Control Tower from Bofors Tower (1965)

Approach from South West

Red Sands South Buoy (1965)

Red Sands Forts Bofors Tower Lawrence Bean on Crane Hoist

Bofors Tower

Lawrence Bean on Crane Hoist

Above two photographs from 29th December 1965

390 Crew at Whitstable Harbour

Paul Beresford, David Sinclair, Jonathan Hall, Librarian Peter Berkley & Chef Geoff Wells

Congregate for the Tender on the South Quay of Whitstable Harbour

Christopher Clark and Edward Cole

Christopher Clark with Edward Cole

Alan Cambridge Christopher Clark

Engineer Alan Cambridge

Christopher Clark

Lawrence Bean Sheldon Jay

Chief Engineer Lawrence Bean

Sheldon Jay

On the Radio 390 Tender F19 'Mullard' owned by Vic Davis and crewed by Brian Tyrrell

Red Sands Forts

Overview of the Red Sands Forts showing the 150' Antenna

Graham Gill and Roger Scott

Graham Gill and Roger Scott

David Sinclair

David Sinclair in Studio 1

Custom 5 channel mixer by Sandgate, Folkestone based Public Address Company, Lee & Doughty

Commissioned by Radio 390 Director Maurice Gething by Guildhall Cameras/Tape Recorders. Spotmaster Cartridge Players, further left out of view Ferrograph Series 3 Tape Recorder with another to the right, the later favoured for playout

David is holding slip mat on one of the pair of Garrard 301's with Xylophone for manually striking station signal tone right

The studio equipment was stripped over a period of two week and taken to Folkestone, the Fi-Cord Calrec Condenser Microphone went to Chris Ashman's, Astra Studios

The mixer, a pair of Garrard 301's and Ferrographs went to the Grand Hotel (Hotel Burstin) used in the basement ballroom disco

RCA BTA BJ 10 Transmitter Siemans FM Transmitter

RCA BTA J10 Transmitter

Siemans FM Transmitter

The RCA unit went to Radio North Sea International but was thrown over board when they purchased a pair of Continental Transmitters from Radio Veronica

The Siemans FM Transmitter had come from the Scandinavian station Radio Mercur's Ship the 'Lucky Star' but was never used

Red Sands Gun Tower 2

Gun Tower 2 with its 150' antenna

Radio 390 Group

Radio 390 Re-union (Summer 1968)

Back: Lawrence Bean, Edward Cole, Secretary (Queens House), David Sinclair, Roger Scott, Maureen & Dougie Seymore, John (Ray) Glendenning & Stephen Muir-Field a transmitter engineer who didn't stay long at Radio 390

Front: Secretary (Queens House), Jonathan & Jenny Hall, Christopher Clark