Brian Tyrrell - Fishing & Forts
Issue: 10 Date: 9th March 2023
Born in Essex in 1937 Brian when he left school in 1952 began his career as a fisherman on the 'Seahawk' LO 456 built in 1947 for Alf Leggatt out of Whitstable
Newspaper cutting on Full Image
Hear Alf Leggatt interview (28 June 1990)
Seasonally trawling for summer Skate and winter Sprats, he worked for 10 years with his uncle Alf Leggatt (MBE) * out of in Wells-next-the-Sea, Norfolk
Returning to his Whitstable family he joined Vic Davis working the 'Mullard' (F19) Brian still lives locally to the west of the town in Seasalter
* Leggatt Brothers were original owners of the Ex-Naval boats 'Harvester I' & 'Harvester II' which he sold to Fred Downs who tendered Radio Sutch & City on Shivering Sands Fort
Coincidentally, Don Rigden family by marriage to author worked on the 'Harvesters' from the age of 14 photograph below
The Horsebridge, Stone Ramp, Whitstable (Painting by P.W Bashford) (Undated)
Flat bottomed Barges would ground to be unloaded by horse & cart from the Horsebridge Ramp
The Neptune left, the public house on the beach, now partially protected by the sea wall
Whilst you view the feature listen to Brian's story ...
Audio |
Tyrrell talks about his life as a local Whitstable fisherman, the
craft he's worked and owned and servicing the Offshore Pirate Radio
stations on the Red Sands Fort |
Whitstable British Railways Poster (1950's)
From the 1950's Whitstable was promoted as a seaside holiday destination is now one of the UK's top places to visit and live
LO 456 'Sea Hawk Queen' & 'Harvester II' with Brian Tyrrell in the bow enters the Harbour (1953)
LO 456 'Sea Hawk Queen' & F21 'Faustilus' (1953)
Alf Leggatt with Brian Tyrrell aboard the 'Romulus' (Undated)
The following images a-h below from the Fisk-Moore Canterbury studio archive acquired by Bob Robinson & kindly reproduced with his permission
B&W Fisk-Moore were founded in 1913 from 1917 - 1929 they had a Shop at 93 High Street, Whitstable
In 1969 then at 10c Burgate Street, Canterbury they sold to Ron Cranfield of R.E Cranfield Photographers 43 Burgate Street, Canterbury who continued to run the business
Harbour (1957a) |
Harbour (1957b) |
Harbour (1957c) |
Harbour (1957d) |
Harbour (1957e) |
Harbour (1957f) |
Whitstable Harbour (1957g) |
Harbour (1957h) |
Built by Les Wood in his boat yard behind what in 2017 is the Harbour Gallery, Brian worked the F19 the 'Mullard' with Vic Davis, they recall the aim was to make £10 a day; £3 for Vic, Brian & the boat with £1 expenses
'Faustulus' (1958)
'Faustulus' on the South Quay Brian Tyrrell on ropes quayside (1960)
Whitstable Harbour 'Harvesters I & II' Don Rigden on deck (1960)
Whitstable Harbour South Quay 'Harvesters II' landing sprats (1960)
Fred Downs on Crane, Fred's father behind, left of in Macintosh is Maurice May who owned the hardware shop of same name 93 High Street now Copperfields
'Romulus' & 'Remus' (1962)
5th August 2020 - Above photograph taken by keen photographer Leslie Collison who printed his own 10 x 8 prints from 2 1/4" image is of his wife Jean and their son Brian aged 7 at Wells-next-the-Sea Norfolk whilst on holiday at Heacham near Hunstanton - Brian Collison
Alf Leggatt aboard 'Romulus' off Whitstable (Undated)
'Romulus', 'Remus' & 'Faustulus' were all built at Anderson, Rigden & Perkins Yard, Island Wall, Whitstable
'Romulus' (Undated)
Launch of the 'Mullard' F19 from Les Wood's Boat Yard now the RNLI Boathouse (1950's)
She picked up trailing rope that caught around her prop'
Navy Bomb Disposal team bring WW II Mine carefully aboard 'The Mullard' (Peter Powell) (1962)
Post WWII Mines were often snagged in fishing nets, Warden Coast Guard instructed that this one be buoy'd a minimum of 2 miles off Whitstable where it was later detonated
With care chaps! Brian by wheelhouse, Navy Ordnance Disposal Officers (Peter Powell) (1962)
Brian remembers one occasion they pulled aboard another drum like object, thinking it was a oil drum a crew member straddled it and started beating it with a hammer, Brian said '"Shouldn't do that if I were you" the crew member said "why's that' Brian replied "because it's a mine", ashen faced he belted below!
Brian asked the Ordnance Team later if it could have exploded, their reply was "If it hadn't gone off hauling it aboard then, no". Not exactly reassuring words!
Whitstable Harbour (Undated)
Vic Davis & Brian Tyrrell on the 'Mullard' (Douglas West) (1963)
Rear of above image (1963)
Red Sands Fort (June 1964)
When Radio Invicta began Eddie Hinkins came to Whitstable looking for a boat as they were starving on the Fort! Vic & the 'Mullard' were available so began a three year link with 1-2 trips each week supplying Red Sands Fort
All we took out in the early days was a few 5 gallon drums of diesel oil, 3 - 4 gallons of water & a box of food for the two guys on the Fort
The 'Mullard' off the Bofors Tower at Red Sands Fort (1964)
Above is an early photograph of a team of six Radio Invicta guys aboard working on the aerial, a constant problem until the 150' antenna mast was built by Radio 390 in 1965
Brian Tyrrell (Martin Stevens) (1966)
Rear of image 6 (1966)
Radio Invicta initially ran few trips, KING Radio under David Lye were more organised and once Ted Allbeury had the helm of Radio 390, tendering became more regular & with larger loads
Brian in bow of 'Mullard' approaching Red Sands Fort Radio 390 (1966)
Brian brings home the bread (1966)
A new Commercial for Radio 390 as 'Top Taste Bread' launch their on-air campaign, Brian stages the picture at Whistable Harbour supposedly taking fresh bread to the radio station
Sunblest Tiger Bread
Brian has recollections of delivering 'Tiger Bread' to the Forts as Radio 390 ran another bread campaign, above image post February 1971 decimilisation, loaf cost seven & a half pence
'Mullard' at Red Sands Fort * |
Operative view of the 'Mullard' ^ |
* Unusual flat calm with five 45 gallon barrels of red diesel each side of the 'Mullard', normally 450 gallons a trip
Normally supplies were taken up to Gun Tower 1, with oil drums taken to the North Searchlight Tower where the original Gardner LW 30KVA Generators were, rebuilt by Lawrence Bean
^ Brian & Vic fashioned a pallet for Radio 390 like Radio City for the 1 ton hoist (crane jib)
Barrels were hauled up singly on a strop, empties were dropped in threes, once they tried throwing the empties from the Fort but when they hit the sea they buckled and sank
More than 20 years old the Gardner LW Generators were thirsty and uneconomic with untaxed red diesel fuel at a shilling a gallon (1/-) cost wasn't a problem but fuel runs were frequent
With strong offshore winds the 'Mallard' would lay off the North Searchlight Tower even in choppy waters, making transfers of provisions & personnel
Whitstable Harbour (1967)
When the Offshore 'Pirate' Radio boom began in 1964 the proximity to the station on the Forts Harbour Whitstable Harbour became a natural supply base
Vic Davis, Fred Downs & Brian Tyrrell talking to Radio 390 representative (1967)
Vic & Brian tendered Radio Invicta, KING then Radio 390 on the Red Sands Fort, whilst Fred Downs tendered Radio Sutch then City on Shivering Sands
Brian said tendering Radio 390 was far more lucrative than fishing making £100 a trip
Partly filmed aboard the Red Sands Fort in the Summer of 1965 the ITC produced TV programme 'Danger Man', Season 3, Episode 23 'Not So Jolly Roger' had Radio 390 portrayed as Radio Jolly Roger, a covert spy ring operation centre, staring Patrick McGoohan as John Drake and Patsy Ann Noble as Susan Wade the programme was first televised on 7th April 1966
Brian recalls being paid the princely sum of £10.00 as his hand appeared in shot
Alternative Video of Programme
Programme Details Not So Jolly Roger : Episode Details : Music
In late 1966 Lawrence Bean (Senior Mechanical Engineer) and John (Ray) Glendinning (Transmitter and Studio Engineer) proposed pre-recording programmes, these 'shore shows' cut the number of personnel needed aboard the Towers
Two or Three Continuity Announcer/Presenters remained aboard filling in with some 'live' programmes
Hense the number of studio Radio 390 programme tapes still around
Strange but true Government Hygrograph chartered the 'Mullard' to survey the Middle Sand which rarely dried but was used to bring the Red Sands within territorial limits
Once Radio 390 closed for the final time on 28th July 1967, Anderson, Rigden & Perkins (1917 - 1982) Whitstable's largest yard built the 40' 'Kordella', the 'Tykella', & finally 'Ticino' (The Ugly) for Vic Davis
Dave Shilling, Ian Cartwright & Brian Tyrrell at Whitstable Harbour (1977)
Ian Cartwright studied physics whilst a fisherman, he moved to Tasmania with a technical qualification, where he advises on fish quotas and catches
Old Anchor anyone? (1977)
Tim Ward, Ian Jemmet, Don Rigden and Brian 1977 (Don Rigden is my wife's brothers father - Ed)
This large hefty Admiralty (Naval) pattern ships anchor was brought up whilst pair trawling off Margate brought back to Whitstable (Pair Trawling two boats hauling a net between them)
To this day Ship & Barge anchors are dragged up, a number can be seen as ornaments in the towns gardens
Harbour Crane maneuvering the anchor, Brian and Phil Edwards (1977)
... outside the Royal Native Oyster Stores (1977)
Pearson's Crab and Oyster House (1977)
One of the oldest pubs in Whitstable on the seawall The Pearson's Arms dates from 1830
Charles Pearson a London business man had bought several Copperas works, in decline he demolished the works using the bricks and land to build Tankerton Tower his Manor House in 1790, now Whitstable Castle
The dawning of the Railway age he invested in the Canterbury and Whitstable Railway (Crab and Winkle Line) building the end of the line station by the Horsebridge
Other investors wanted the railway to terminate at the Harbour, so Charles turned his station into a hotel the 'Pearson's Arms Inn' (Horsebridge Road, Whitstable, CT5 1BT)
South Quay, Whitstable Harbour (1977)
Rear of images 14-18 (1977)
Parrett and Neves owned the Chatham, Rochester and Gillingham News at 30 High Street, Chatham from 1859
The first known business record from 30 High Street, date 1890 download full image
It became the 1st studio building for BBC Radio Medway later BBC Radio Kent
Ross Fisheries had owned the business on the South Quay
From a long line of Thames Estuary fisherman, Ray Gilson had worked cockle boats in Southend with his sons John & Patrick acquired the business trading as 'Cardium Shellfish' they closed on Wednesday 11th November 2011
A Spanish Company bought them out and continued using the two Ray Gilson designed Cockle Dredgers 'Ol'Ray' and 'Cardium'
Ray's brother Peter had been coxswain of the Southend Lifeboat and sadly lost his life whilst working his own fishing boat
F21 'Faustulus' on the hard west of the Harbour September (1981)
Brian was to buy his own fishing boat F21 'Faustulus' in the early 1980's
F21 'Faustulus' (1982)
F21 'Faustulus' trawling for sprats in (1982)
F21 'Faustulus' & 'Loandric' (1982) *
* 'Loandric' an anagram of owner John Martins children's names: Louise, Andrew & Richard (Dick)
F21 'Faustulus' with distant Red Sands Fort (1982)
Whistable Harbour at night, fitting radar to 'Tykella' (April 1983)
'Our Sarah Jane' trawling off Shivering Sands Fort (Undated)
Above possibly by Phil Edwards, a competent photographer Phil left the family fishing heritage for a couple of years to study photography at college
Superb painting by Mike Judge of F93 'Sand Pipper' trawling off Shivering Sands (1994)
'Black Deep' Dedging the Harbour (Doreen) (2008)
Bryan Tyrrell Portrait (Phil Edwards) (2011)
Thanks to Brian Tyrrell for sharing his photographs & memories
Thanks also for the assistance of P.W Bashford, Doreen, Phil Edwards, Paul Jarvis, Richard & Mike Judge, Penny Knowler, Dave Phillips, Peter Powell, Bob Robinson, Martin Stevens, Charles Trill, Douglas West
We'd be pleased to hear from you if you can add to Brian's feature
There's more pictures of Brian in Glendinnings - Part 2