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UCL Charter

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An archaeological study of Saxon burial grounds from the X-Pilot out of Whitstable at 09.00 on 17th June 2008

SB Mimosa

SB Mimosa at Hollow shore just off Faversham Creek

The entrance to the Swale has oyster beds where young oysters from Reculver are grown on in bags

Harty Ferry

Harty Ferry Slipway & Inn on the Isle-Of-Sheppey, the hulk is a fisherman's store

Kings Ferry Road/Rail Bridge

'Sea Ems' making into Ridham Dock negotiates the old Kings Ferry Road & Rail Bridge

Thames Bank Fort

Fort on North Thames Bank Gravesend

London International Terminal

Grandly named London International Gravesend

In its heyday large pleasure linners used the terminal now sadly in decline

Old fuel barge

Moored at Thames Fuels redundant fuel barge

Starboard side stern in ebb tide Starboard side stern anchor chains

The vessel is used for fuel storage & isn't fit to navigate

Starboard side top-side

But makes a fascinating picture

Wheel house & cranes

Wheel House & cranes ashore

Leaving fuel berth

Leaving the berth, supply vessel alongside storage vessel pumping to Tug

Chemical fuel clean up vessel

Chemical fuel spill clean up vessel

Cobelfret's Celandine

Cobelfret Ferries ship the Celandine on her way up river sails from Tilbury to Zeebrugge & passes close to Red Sands Fort

UCL team

Shot of the UCL Team on the home run

The Cant

Remains of mark to 'The Cant' where there are numerous bits of wreckage

Last catch Whitstable Harbour

21.45 The last catch comes into Whitstable Harbour astern of X-Pilot

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Join us on a cruise or perhaps board the Red Sands Army Forts with our working parties, details of X-Pilot Sailings