The Radio Tower Project - Part 4
Issue : 12 Updated : 8th March 2019
The full and true story of the ill fated Offshore project to launch a Pirate Television Channel and Radio station from the Sunk Head Fort
Part 4 of our 6 part feature on Radio Tower TV : The End, not quite
Bleak looking Sunk Head Fort
On the Fort things weren't so rosey, supplies and fuel were getting dangerously low but heavy seas had prevented the 'Girl Betty' sailing from Burnham-on-Crouch
Evening News (29th November 1965)
With the ship-shore link to Colchester being ignored, those onboard were left wondering if they'd been forgotten!
Previously, called out the RNLI carefully monitored all calls from Pirate Radio and made the point it wasn't a rescue or supply service for radio stations offshore!
Visitors disembark the dreadful personnel ladder as Tower Team bid them goodbye unaware that the end of their radio exploits are close
Pictured Chris Gossling, Dave Simser, Bill Rollins and John Boulter
Customs refusing to allow Radio Tower to use Burnham-on-Crouch, tendering by tug was transferred to Harwich
Considering the very low power reception reports were received from far and wide, this one better late than never (19th April 1966)
Below the Tug 'Agama' prepares to leave the Sunk Head Fort with local Press aboard
The Motor tug Agama was built in 1937 for Gaslee and Sons, registered in London Gaslee and Sons amalgamated to became Gaslee and Knight hence the link with JP Knight, 'Agama' was then sold to Alexander Towing of Felixstowe,
The 'Agama' was used to tow Radio Caroline's, by then redundant temporary radio ship the 'Cheeta II' owned by Britt Wadner of Radio Syd to anchor mid river between Shotley and Parkstone Quay, Harwich after she'd broken her anchor in storm force winds mid July 1966
You can see the Agama alongside the Radio London ship the Galaxy
It's thought the 1st 'Agama' was scrapped and broken up in the mid-1970's as she'd become uneconomical to continue operating
Bennett's who named all their fleet after Gaslee Tugs, they had an 'Agama' which had previously been Crescent shipping's 'Lugette'
The last view of the Big T
Supplying the fort particularly during the winter months was an endurance, there are many stories of dramatic near misses during supply runs
Tug 'Agama' leaves Sunk Head Fort
During the mid 1950's there are stories that Sunk Head had been hit by a ship, as a result was unsafe
With the sun sets behind the Sunk Head Fort
With a pending act to outlaw the Offshore Pirates, with Radio Towers finances exhausted, and no sign of future investment the station was in dire straights
Also a supply tender to Tower on Sunk Head the Tug TD Kent pictured on the River Medway outside #1 basin of the Chatham Historic Dockyard, now Chatham Marina - Medway Maritime ( 5th July 2006)
Diary notes by Bill Rollins made whilst on Sunk Head Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th March 1966
Diary Pages Sunday 20 - Saturday 26 March 1966
The situation had become critical, in a few days the last of the water and essential food supplies were all but depleted
Audio |
Waters Tower Radio SOS Call from Sunk Head Fort on 236mmw March
1966 |
Sunday 27 - Saturday 2 April 1966
After weeks without a tender, all that remained on the Fort was a supply of beer, spirits, cigarettes and a catering tin of coffee
Sunday March 3 - Saturday 9 April 1966
Sunday 10 - Saturday 16 April 1966
With water down to the last couple of gallons, it was with regret that yet again SOS messages were relayed from Sunk Head Fort
Sunday 17- Saturday 23 April 1966
On Thursday 28th April 1966 Billy Bennett was summoned to rescue those on the Fort, he obliged on the promise of payment in kind, so gained the station old Bedford Van
Sunday 24 - Saturday 30 April 1966 reveals the sorry state of affairs
Arriving at the Fort the crew aboard were told to come off leaving everything behind, they hurriedly packed their belongings, grabbed a few remaining bottles of spirits, duty free cigarettes, which had come from Holland destined for the office
The Sunk Head Fort (July 1967)
Office Notes from Bill Rollins diary
Consuming a good quantity of the haul and squirreling away more, the Radio Tower team arrived at Trinity Pier Harwich much the worst for wear
Bage were searched by HMG Customs, John Waters had 400 Continental Cigarette, he was duly fined £12
Soon after HMG Customs confiscated and impounded the 'Maarje'
Paid up until the end unusual to say the least in Offshore Radio
Working solidly for 11 months from boarding in May 1965 until relinquishing Sunk Head Fort on 28th April 1966, Radio Tower was ultimately to suffer the indignity of failure
The station never went beyond the testing, whilst there are reports that Radio Tower was heard on 29th April on 1282kHz 234 metres up until 4th May and logged on 12th May 1966 the reality was that the project folded long before
Sunk Head Fort abandoned awaiting its fate (July 1967)
In June Peter Jeeves made a statement that the station had been plagued by technical problems, with poor signals no advertising had been secured
With a high profile drive in Colchester and Clacton, flyers and stickers had been placed in shop windows for free spots on the station, but it had been too late to save the project
Abandoned the Fort lay empty amidst stories of another kind of pirate activity - smuggling
On 9th November Walton-on-Naze Lifeboat removed two men who had run out of food and drink, saying they had no involvement in radio broadcasting
Uncredited Newspaper Article (Friday 18th August 1967)
With the Sunk Head Fort well outside the territorial limit and with smuggling concerns, and a possibility that the radio pirates might return or use it as a supply base, plans were afoot to demolish the Tower
The 'Collie' at Sunk Head (Friday 18th August 1967)
The above photograph admirable shows the fierce tide rip around Sunk Head, the shame is that the 3.7" Guns weren't removed before hand as in June 1992 they were pulled from both Tongue and Knock John for preservation
Royal Engineers aboard Sunk Head (Friday 18th August 1967)
Un credited Newspaper Report (Friday 18th August 1967)
The Naval Tug 'Collie' stands off Sunk Head (Friday 18th August 1967)
On Friday 18th August 1967 a team of 20 Royal Engineers under Major D.T Ives of 24 Field Squadron boarded the Fort from the Naval Tug 'Collie'
Sunk Head Fort (Friday 18th August 1967)
Naval Tug 'Collie' under the southern leg (Friday 18th August 1967)
Parts of the superstructure were weakened by cutting with oxyacetylene torch
Note part of the platform has been cut away along with the 3.7" gun discarded into the sea, a pity as in 1992 their historic value was realised see Tongue Tower
Fuses ignited taking hold (Monday 21st August 1967)
At 4pm on 21st August Captain Alan Cowie set the timed fuses for the explosives
26/01/10 - As the last man to leave the Fort before its planned demolition and lighting the fuze before I did so I was most interested to read your account. We had little idea of what you were all trying to achieve for us it was a great engineering challenge. I seem to remember we blew out a lot of windows in Felixstowe as well and cleared off back to base as soon as we could! Somewhere I have some cuttings from the newspapers of the day but can't put my hands on them immediately; when I come across them I'll get back to you. interesting that so many of your group have kept in touch must have been a good club. I've lost touch with my military colleagues, the other young officer died 5 years ago and I'm pretty sure his SNCO went a couple of years later. Major David Ives is no longer in our regimental lists so I presume he too is no longer of this world. All good wishes - Alan Cowie
Aerial shot of the explosion (Monday 21st August 1967)
The Tower saying 'get a fix on 236' was spectacular (21st August 1967)
18 minutes later a vivid crimson flash, a cloud of smoke was seen
Concrete sections splashed into the water over half mile away with the noise and heat of the blast felt 14 miles away as Big T finally goes with a bang as the Sunk Head Fort was demolished by explosive charges
The end of Sunk Head Fort was supervised by Australian Commander Kenneth Young and overseen by 'Collie' Skipper Captain Bill Penney, who was in the party that sank the Fort in position on 1st June 1942
Air force helicopter surveys the remains
The Tower made news in Holland and the Netherlands Het Vrije Volka (23rd August 1967)
10/02/16 - It's been sometime.
I've been looking at your website, and a very good site it is too, and I put
PENNEY in the search area and it mentioned Captain Bill Penney. I had an uncle
Bill Penney the Harbour Master at Sheerness is he the same person?
Just a little background to my Uncle Bill. He started life as a cabin Boy on the tugs he was a drinker saved by the Salvation Army one night in a pub, he stopped drinking and worked his way up to the Queens Harbour Master. His son Cyril also started as a cabin boy and with his father's help also worked his way up to the Harbour Master of Singapore, Portsmouth etc (I think that the places are correct) He was in charge of the Torrey Canyon tanker that nearly covered the South Coast with oil and also in command of the Cod War with his tugs keeping the enemy at bay etc. He was awarded the B.E.M. for these. Bill's other son Norman was a test pilot for the R.A.F. He also had two daughters Elsie and Ninnie (aka Dinks) When the Truculent was sunk uncle Bill was in charge of the operation from Sheerness Dockyard, he took me out to see the submarine shortly after it had been raised; Regards Colin Penney
The Bill Penney was Skipper of the Naval Tug 'Collie' so guess it's possible - Ed
The remains of Sunk Head Fort
Just 6 meters (20 feet) of leg stumps remained, these were to be an obstacle to a ship when in the 1990's a liquid gas carrier fouled the leg remains severely damaging the ship, damages were submitted but the out come of the claim is unknown
The leg stumps all that's left of Sunk Head Fort
4/7/08 - The ship was the ''Lord Kelvin', an LPG carrier bound for the Coryton oil refinery. I don't recall the year but think it was 1994-1997, hope this of some use - Stuart Dymond
29/01/10 - I note you say a ship hit Sunk Head some years later. We deliberately left the Tower stubs standing several metres proud of sea level so that they would give a good radar reflection. Either someone's radar calculations were inaccurate or a radar operator blinked. All the other Forts were left alone I presume because of the costs of demolition and because the government could see the 'writing on the wall ' for increased media coverage beyond their control. Once blown, we heard absolutely nothing more of any plans for similar jobs at least that's how I remember it after some 40 odd years - Alan Cowie
Letter to Bill Rollins from Peter Jeeves after the project had collapsed
Relic all that remains the 'key of the door' the Master Key that fitted all the main doors on Sunk Head Fort
A-Z of the Radio Pamela, Tower Radio TV staff and where are they now at 19th March 2012
Billy Bennett - Owner of the Harwich Fishing Boat 'Venus' HH90 which was the later tender for the Fort No longer alive but date of death unknown, Other tender tugs used Gaselee Tugs 'Agama'and 'Kent' from Harwich, see photograph of the 'Agama' cruising the Stour in Harwich
John Boulter - Security Fort Guard, General Maintenance Man: Lived in Weeley, at the time of publication living in Clacton and working as a B.T Telecom Engineer in North Essex
Dave Cash, Robin Garton with Paul Barber in 2004
Robin Garton - Martello Studio Owner and Advertising Manager, Local Band Promoter. Robin recorded the Radio Tower jingles and was to have produced recorded programme material for the station. In the late 1970’s went into partnership with Barry McGregor forming Video Anglia which operated from the EAP (East Anglia Productions) premises in Frinton-on-Sea. Robin is semi retired living in Colchester, he works as cameraman and makes video transfers. He was responsible for some the filming on the LV18 during the Pirate BBC Essex broadcasts
N.B Robin's sons Scott and Juby carried on the tradition as cameramen working for Sky TV producing News and Sport
Chris Gosling (Chris G) - Announcer at the time of publication lives in Ipswich and works in Felixtowe where he runs an on-line TV video presentations dealing with retired life, caravanning and leisure pursuits
Ken Harper - Made first broadcasts with Maurice Tarling from the ‘Pamela’. No further details available, present whereabouts unknown
Peter Jeeves - Sales and Marketing Manager, later MD of Towerad Sales, present whereabouts unknown
Terry Lambeth - Fort Guard, lived in Basildon at the time he was on employed the Fort, present whereabouts unknown
Graham London (Smith) - Announcer is another one of the team that has had an interesting life. After his time on the Fort he joined the Parachute Regiment followed by a spell it is believed in the French Foreign Legion! He's now involved in diving for the oil industry based in Aberdeen
Derek Massen - Joined after the George Short left through illness. Derek was TV Engineer & brought in as Radio Engineer, moved to Thetford in Norfolk in 1994, hasn't been heard of for over 15 years, present whereabouts unknown
Steve O'Flaherty - Early backer, present whereabouts unknown
Ron Pipe - Skipper Owner of Fishing vessel 'Girl Betty' from Burnham on Crouch, Essex the original tender operator before Billy Bennett and Gaselee Tugs, no more details available, present whereabouts unknown
Bob Record - Salesman at Towerad Sales, present whereabouts unknown
Kees Romas - Offshore Supply Company (Wijsmuller) No details available, present whereabouts unknown
Bill Rollins at Dream 100 in Colchester
Bill Rollins - Announcer, joined Tower Radio aged 16 and continued an active involvement in Offshore Radio with East Anglian Productions (EAP) assisting Radio Caroline ashore and as anchor voice of Viewpoint 963. In 1989 went on to work with Mellow 1557 in Frinton-on-Sea which became part of the Invicta Radio Group. Sold to the Tindle Group in 1998 it became Dream 100FM, he was on early breakfast whilst working as a contract electrician at caravan parks in Clacton before retirement with wife Sue in Holland-on-Sea, Essex
George Short - Senior Engineer had been Engineer for Reg Torr at TD Television owner of the 18' cabin cruiser 'Pamela'. During the time of the operation from the Fort became ill and was forced to call Walton Lifeboat, he died in 1966
Dave Simser (2013)
Dave Simser - Announcer and Director has had a colourful life, came from Florida, joined Tower after being in the USAF leaving the Air Force he settled in Newmarket where he opened a general store, then moved to Banbury, Oxfordshire. He toured Europe in a camper van, returning to the USA working in a cheese factory in Minnesota before upping sticks again for Spain in 1980. After 12 years he moved back to America living in Lake Ontario from April 1994, importing miniature ponies and highland cattle from Scotland, rabbits, donkeys, ducks, geese, turkeys, cats and llamas. He thereafter ran a business called the Tyre Garden selling tractor tyres, growing and selling; sunflowers, corn, garlic, tomatoes, peas, and rhubarb, these days lives near Pulaski, New York State aged 85 (2013)
Dave Simser Letter (June 2006)
Eric D Sullivan - Clacton Business Man, Co-Founder and Tower MD. With a painful fading memory having thrown all of his capital into the project, he borrowed money from his father to open the Edensor Guest House in Clacton, this later became a Rest Home, Eric passed away on 31st October 2012 aged 80
Maurice Tarling - Made first broadcasts with Ken Harper from the 'Pamela' (D.O.B.) 29th June 1932 retired still living in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex
Reg Torr - Aged 40+ years owner TD Television Clacton, came up with the idea for Tower, founder of the Tower TV Radio Project moved to South Africa
24/5/17 - After a long, colourful AV career in South Africa
during which time he married Celia and raised a family, Reg passed away in
January 2017 after a short illness just after his 87th birthday. He contacted
me shortly before his death to proclaïm "famous at last"and
referred me to your fascinating website. Regards Keith Darge
John Waters - Announcer a friend of Eric Sullivan persuaded to stay with the project. Worked as postman for the Royal Mail in Beaumont-Cum-Moze near Harwich, until his death from cancer in the late 1990's
With grateful thanks to Bill Rollins for sharing his personal archive material and Martin Stevens for his photographs
Continued full detail of the Transmission potential of Tower Radio/Radio Tower and the Canadian Wireless Set #52 in Part 5 - Sunk Head Reflections
Thanks for the really good read about Radio Tower, and all the other stations you feature on this website. Best regards - Bill Everatt
See a brief history on all the Thames Estuary Forts navigate from Fort Fax