Radio Sutch & City - Part 20
In Colour by Harm Koenders
Harm Koenders work deserves a wider audience, so with his permission here's a copy free series of monochrome photographs of Radio Sutch and City's that Harm to date has coloured and brought to life
Candy Calvert with David 'Screaming Lord' Sutch (Monday 25th May 1964)
David 'Screaming Lord' Sutch & the Savages aboard 'Cornucopia' (Monday 25th May 1964)
David 'Screaming Lord' Sutch & the Savages aboard 'Cornucopia' (Monday 25th May 1964)
Miami News Report (25th May 1964)
* Brian Paull, David Screaming Lord Sutch & Reg Calvert, (27th May 1964)
* On catwalk from Control Tower towards Southern Gun Tower #1
Wartime Fort Daily Telegraph (27th May 1964)
Left click for large image
a Fort (Daily Mail 27th May 1964) |
David 'Screaming Lord' Sutch (Wednesday 27th May 1964) |
* Standing on the roof top of Southern Gun Tower #1 note the Crane Jib Lantern top and the London registered 'Cornucopia' LO 21
News Paper Clippings (May 1964)
Left click for large images
Shivering Sands Gun Tower 1, Bofors, Control & Gun Tower 4 (Wednesday 27th May 1964)
News Paper Clipping Detail Full (May 1964)
Radio Sutch first day on-air (Wednesday 27th May 1964)
Radio Sutch Reg Calvert with David Sutch (Wednesday 27th May 1964)
Note the Pre-Amp price £5.10 shillings and six pence, plenty of botch leads and the Halifax Aircraft TX
David Screaming Lord' Sutch first day on-air (Wednesday 27th May 1964)
Whispers (Evening
Standard 27th May 1964) |
Calvert, David Screaming Lord Sutch & Brian Paull (27th May 1964) |
Left click for large image
Brian Paull, Reg Calvert, David Screaming Lord Sutch (27th May 1964) (Jelle Boonstra Archive)
On catwalk between Southern Gun Tower #1 & Control Tower with 'Cornucopia' still in attendance to return Evening Standard Press
Get Off Our Fort! (Daily Mail 27th May 1964)
Shivering Sands Control & Gun Tower 3 from Gun Tower 1 Walkway (1965)
Control Tower, Gun Tower 3 from Gun Tower 1 roof (1965)
Radio City began in September 1964
Radio City takes Religion (1965)
Gun Tower 4 (1965)
Clearly showing scaffold poles and aerial lash-up
Radio Sutch/City first Studio (1965)
DJ Themes at back of console, current chart in middle and to right along with Beatles and Stones tracks
Passive three channel mixer, Microphone 'Elbow Switch' to left just above the chair top, later replaced with a BMC Car Floor Dip Switch, Eagle Meter above AKG D212 Microphone, NME Top 50 and glass panel through to TX Hall. Brenell Tape Deck to left and out of view Ferrograph Series 4 Tape Machine
Dick Dixon on-air (1965)
Daily Mail (18th January 1965)
'Harvester II' on way to Shivering Sands (Summer 1965)
Unknown, Dick Dixon, Tony Pine and Don Witts (1965)
Pictured on Souther Gun Tower #1 Landing Stage
Reg Calvert with Peggy Knight (Summer 1965)
Dick Dixon, Alexander Dee & Paul Elvey (1965)
Martin Green in the Salubrious Galley (February 1965)
Dick Dixon & Don Witts (1965)
... with the Cossor 188 metre transmitter
Shivering Sands Towers Southern Buoy and the Fort complex (11th January 1965)
Photographed in colour by Martin Stevens see original image
Leaving Shivering Sands on 'Harvester II' (1965)
Martin Green on-air (1965)
A big antenna Radio City became the Tower of Power Generation Plant
Intermediate temporary studio
Rebuilt Studio (1965)
... built by Phil Perkins and Ian West
Southern Gun Tower 1 landing arrangement (Summer 1965)
Ian West with Johnny Flux above, Bill Prior on top ladder with Reg Calvert and Fred Downs
Alexander Dee (1965)
Daily Mail (22nd September 1965)
Shivering Sands with its 200' antenna (1966)
Note mast advertised as 220'
Dorothy Calvert Memo to Tom Edwards (12th April 1966)
Dutch Pop Group Q65 made a visit to Shivering Sands (June 1966) Right Click for Full Image
Tom Edwards (1966)
Dennis Strayney AKA Dennis the Menace (1966)
Audio |
News (Tuesday 21st June) |
BBC Reporter Tom Mangles talks to Paul Elvey aboard 'Harvester II' for BBC Light Programme and Home Service
Oliver Smedley's Radio Atlanta Boarders, Ian McRae in white pullover and in flat hat Alf Bullen (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Shivering Sands (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Police Launch with Radio City Crew, Boarders and Police on Southern Gun Tower 1 Walkway
Official Launch alongside Shivering Sands Gun Tower 1 (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Showing Shivering Sands G1, Bofors behind, G4, Control legs of G2 and part of G3 with Paul Elvey on the Crane Pallet
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Southern Gun Tower 1 with Paul Elvey on the Crane Pallet
Superintendant George Brown goes aboard Shiving Sands (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Showing Shivering Sands Southern Gun Tower 1 and the Control Tower
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Phil Perkins crossing the Junglewalk from the Control Tower to Southern Gun Tower 1
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June)
Paul Elvey with Tony Pine
Raiders and Police at Shivering Sands (Wednesday 22nd June 1966) | Radio City Cook Luc Dunne on Crane Pallet, Tony Pine, Ian McRae, un-named raider, with Ian West at Crane Operatives Window (Wednesday 22nd June 1966) |
Photograph by Philippe Le Tellier (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Luc Dunne at the Crane Hatch, Phil Perkins, Tony Pine, and the raiders who wouldn't give their names
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Tony Pine crossing the Jungle Walk from Gun Tower 1 to the Control Tower
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Alf Bullen and unnamed raider
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Luc Dunne at the Crane Hatch and Alf Bullen far right, and unnamed raiders
Ian McRae, Tom Edwards, Luc Dunne & Paul Elvey (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
French Press photograph (Wednesday 22nd June 1966)
Southern Gun Tower 1, Control and Gun Towers 3 and 4
Radio City returned to the air on Sunday 26th June 1966
Fort Security (28th June 1966) Large Image
Dorothy Calvert Memo (Thursday 14th July 1966)
Dorothy Calvert on the 'Harvester II' approaching Shivering Sands Forts (Monday 18th July 1966)
Dorothy Calvert at Radio City's Shivering Sands Towers (Monday 18th July 1966)
The other Eric Martin with Dorothy Calvert in Control Tower Studio (Monday 18th July 1966)
Harvester II returning to Whitstable
?, Luc Dunne, ?, ?,Paul Elvey in his distinctive Donkey Jacket, ?
Dorothy Calvert in London Office (1966)
Original monochrome images carefully and tastefully coloured by Harm Koenders with Memo's rescued by Hans Knot from Dorothy Calvert's shed whilst he researched his book on Radio City
Grateful thanks to Philippe Le Tellier of the French Press