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The novelty sound was discovered by accident in the 1930's by Gilbert Wright whilst shaving he noticed a strange sound emitted from his mouth as his razor passed over his Adam's apple

A mechanical sound demonstration (1939)

Enhanced what he called the 'Sono voice' was produced by sending audio to a pair of small loudspeakers on the throat, transmitted to the larynx, the performer mouthed the words and the speakers replacing the voice box produced the strange electronic sound from the throat

Sono voice in the film 'You'll Find Out' (1940)

The Sono voice was used for the voice of 'Dumbo' the talking train in the 1941 Walt Disney film

Realising the potential of the 'Sono voice' in advertising the Wright-Sonovox Company was formed, radio ad's for Shell, vacuum cleaners, talking pots and pans, detergents being early users

Bill (William) Meeks worked both on-air and sold advertising at KLIF Radio (Big D) Dallas, Texas often making client jingles from 1947


Concentrating solely on advertising he started the first specialist production company 'Production, Advertising and Merchandising Services' (PAMS) in 1951

His first set of 10 Jingles (Series 1) were created and re-sung with fresh lyrics over existing instrumentation for each client

KLIF were the springboard with more services seeking the PAMS syndicated radio and television jingle identification packages

PAMS Series 18 Tape Box


The first full Sonovox Package: PAMS Series 18 'Sonosational' (Samples 1961)

Stations in above samples are:

CFAC Alabama, Canada, 1st TX 1st May 1922

KJR Seattle, King County, Washington, 1st TX's from 1920

KILT Houston, Texas, 1st TX 31st January 1948

WING Dayton, Ohio, 1st TX's as WOBS 4th June 1924

Reading that radio had started on ships in Britain, Texas Businessman Don Pearson noted there were only two all day Commercial Broadcasters off the South East England coast

Thinking there was money to be made he chartered a plane to fly over the ships, deciding there and then he wanted a bigger and better station

Initial plans were to name the station KLIF re-broadcastong the 1190 AM programmes

Bringing in Ben Toney as PD and Philip Birch as CEO and head of advertising, Philip proposed the station be called Radio Galaxy, which became the name of the ship the former 1944 USS 'Density' Admirable Class Minesweeper

Radio London Big L Club Car Sticker

Named Radio London, and like KLIF (Big D) used the nickname Big L

With her swish new jingle set unheard of in Britain and Europe Radio London adopted some of the PAMS Series 18 trusty Sonosenational jingles


Radio London PAMS Series 18 'Sonosensational' (Samples 1964)

Red Sands Radio Logo

From 2007 Red Sands Radio intermixed re-sung PAMS Jingles with Sonojingles becoming the first radio station to use their packages adding more cuts over 8 years

Sonojingles are used to date with additions in our syndicated 'Bob's 60's Splash' broadcast by stations in the UK, Europe and worldwide


Red Sands Radio Sonojingle Sandwich (Samples 2007 - 2014)

sonojingles web banner

2021 New Sonojingles taking Jingle Markets by Storm


'Bob's 60's Splash' Sonojingles (Samples 2007 - 2021)

Sonojingles team of seasoned professionals and enthusiasts have a real passion producing specialised quality crafted authentic Sonovox Jingles for radio stations, internet streams, podcasts, and personal use

Exciting news for all real jingle fans and collectors Sonojingles the legendary Dallas-based Gwinsound jingles, the package that includes the Radio Northsea International “This is the place that’s gonna blow your mind” . . . “The chairman of the board of the happiness corporation” . . . “What good are friends” etc

Pristine, crystal clear customised Sonovox Jingles that sound great on air

Sonojingles first for the finest in Sonovox Jingles