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Sealand - The Galley

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The ongoing Sealand post fire series on Sealand continues with a look at the refurbishment of the Galley

Chris & Mike planning strategy

1. Chris Harrington & Michael Bates planning, in Essex (of course)

Galley Window

2. New Galley Window


3. Model of Sealand or improvised Ashtray!

Worried Man

4. Bryan - Wasn't Me!

Mike & Lou

5. Mike & Lou

Old Galley

6. Old Galley

Tired Units

7. In need of a ...

In need of make over

8. ... make over

Galley hasn't been worked on in years

9. Galley hadn't been touched for some years

Mike & Lou

10. Mike & Lou


11. Cabling for 12 volt circuot with back up candle power

Work force

12. Richard & Dave

Get Tele working first

13. Priorities - entertainment first

40 winks

14. Richard takes 40 winks as he did all the driving to Harwich

Thinking of starting

15. Dave limbering up for ripping out the galley

Galley Window

16. Galley Window


17. Have a banana


18. A hooded Matt, it gets cold on Sealand

Play fight

19. Mutiny overboard for slacking - Dave & Matt playing around

Mobile reception - interesting

20. Matt calls Mum to say he's had dinner, not always easy geting mobile reception on Sealand as mobiles swap between available antennas

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