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Sealand after the Fire - Part 4

Part 4 of our rolling series on the Sealand Fire - Rejuvenation

The aftermath, a report & pictures from Tuesday 8th August 2006

Sealand fire devestation from above

The devestation clear from above charred remains of the Generator house (Michael Bates)

Sealand Fort close up top deck

Arriving at Sealand with new banner signage under West wing & new fitted Galley window

"Following the unfortunate fire along the top row of The Principality of Sealand on 23rd June 2006, by early August, things had become markedly improved"

Underside fort inspection 1 Underside fort inspection 2

Underside photo survey & inspection

Observing proceedings from platform deck Hoisted aboard

Fort crew look down on proceedings, then the bosun's chair used to winch crew aboard

Main deck looking north

Main deck looking North with stairs to Helipad

New generator

Brand new secondary Generator

"New & replacement auxiliary generators & a diverse range of other necessary equipment continues to arrive regularly, subject to the weather being suitable for transfer; similarly, items no longer required within the Principality are carefully taken away for environmentally-friendly disposal in Europe"

Deck looking south

Deck level looking South

Looking down from Helipad

Looking down at South End of fort from Helipad

Mike Barrington

Mike Barrington

Helipad looking north

Looking North from the Helipad

Frinton from Helipad

View of Frinton-on-Sea from the Helipad

Sealand National Day announced by Bill Rollins on Dream 100 on 2nd September 2006

It's 40 years since the Roughs Tower was taken over. When Radio Essex closed for the last time on Christmas Day 1966 Roy Bates spent two days transferring all the equipment from the Knock John Naval Fort to the Roughs Naval Fort always known as the Roughs Tower

Claiming the fort & set up the Principality of Sealand with himself as King, wife Joan Queen, son Michael Prince & daughter presumably Princess Penny, the Bates family have been in occupation ever since

Generator hut remains

Generator Hut at the North end of the fort looking down from the Helipad

Working on deck

Work continues

"Although more clearing, repair and replacement work still needs to be undertaken to bring the upper levels to the specification of the previously planned Sealand Rehabilitation Project Plan drawn up before the fire"

Sealand flag at flying from Helipad

Back on deck looking South from the remains of the Generator Hut

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