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Sealand after the Fire - Part 3

Part 3 of our rolling series on the Sealand Fire

Pictures taken of the re boarding of the old Roughs Fort Sealand on Sunday 25th June 2006

The Standard reports Sealand fire

The Standard's report of Friday 30th June 2006

James Michael & Liam Bates

James left & Liam right with father Michael Bates aboard their RiB

RiB leaves Essex

Leaving the Essex Coast at speed bound for the Fort

1st sight of damage

First sighting of the extensive damage

Blackened & windows gone

Much of the superstructure blackened with the window glass gone

RiB off Sealand

View of the RiB & Fort from the second vessel involved in re boarding

Bates men on RiB

The RiB off Sealand

James Bates

With James Bates preparing for the climb of his life

Sealand North leg

North leg looking North West with the burnt out framework of the Generator Hut

Site of Generator explosion

The North leg looking South East it was this side that the Generator exploded

About to go under fort

About to go beneath the Fort for visual inspection of underside of platform base

Underside looking at north leg

The North leg from the underside

Looking back at fort

Looking back at the blackened Fort

Ladder being secured

A ladder is secured as best possible to the Fort & James prepares for the transfer

James Bates on 1st rungs of ladder

The Fishing Boat pulls off & the RiB stands by as James begins the climb

James half way up James nears top

A slow steady climb with nothing beneath but the cold North Sea

Well wishers offer to stand by & help

Transferring his weight to a steel Fort RSJ the ladder tilts at an alarming angle

It's a very long drop

The tricky bit

A final pull

The white knuckle climb's over James Bates made it aboard & starts the winch engine

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