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Rinella Gun Battery Kalkara, Malta

A Copy Free Feature

Built between 1970 - 1886 the Victorian battery sits high above the shore on the eastern side of the mouth of Grand Harbour (Port of Valetta) was paired with Fort Cambridge to the west at Tigne Point (now a shopping complex)

The Fort has one of two surviving Armstrong 17.72" 450mm rifled muzzle load 100 ton guns, the other being at Napier of Magdala Battery in Gibraltar

These magnificent guns were originally manufactured by Elswich Ordnance at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne part of the armaments division of the British Armstrong-Whitworth Company

Unsatisfied with Armstrong's breech mechanism, around 1860 the British Government decided to build their own guns at Woolwich Arsenal Fort Rinella's guns 'Woolwich Gun' arrived in 1882


Fort Rinella Horse Troop

Now under the care of the 'Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna' (Malta Heritage Trust) the big gun is fired annually during an impressive re-enactment


Fort Rinella's five special horses help visitors understand the role of mounted soldiers and training

An animated tour covering different aspects of daily life of the Victorian Garrison are reconstructed by resident historical re-enactment teams


Re-enactment Troop ready for action

Tour includes skill-at-arms displays, military drill demonstrations, with English commentary

Signal Flags

Signal flags at the ready

View a short film about the history of the Fort and Monster Gun


Mortar explosion

The annual tour starts with firing of a period cannon, and a 8-inch Rifled Muzzle Loading Howitzer

Troups in action

Very true to life re-enactment


Preparations to fire one of two surviving Fort Rinella's famous 1 ton gun



2000 pound Shells with 450 pound Black Powder charges were lifted by Hydraulics, cleaned and washed with water between rounds they were capable of refire within six minutes

1 Ton Gun

Fort Rinella's gun over looking the Mediterranean Sea

Firing Fort Rinella's 1 Ton Gun 6th May 2012

Firing Fort Rinella's 1 Ton Gun 5th May 2013

Smoke from the muzzle

The gun's been fired, barrel still smoking after 15 minutes

Gun Smoke

Rings of smoke from the firing

The story of Fort Rinella

Film Set

View towards the Tanks used by Film Makers

Video of Fort Rinella and Film Set location

3.7" AA Gun

Part of the collection yet to be displayed includes a 3.7" Heavy Anti-Aircraft Gun



Manufacture of an Armstrong 1 Ton Gun

We hope you've enjoyed this feature which might encourage a visit to Malta's islands

With a temperate climate, inspirational scenery, and wealth of history surrounded by the warm Mediterranean Sea Malta's a must visit location

Friday 25th December 2020 - What a surprise to see your "Rinella" page after running through some homepages with Medium Wave information from the Netherlands. I am reporting on my favorite Malta Islands 2003 with my Radio Joystick in German

BTW: In the 80s I lived near a base of RCT in the Ruhrgebiet*

Have a nice chrismas and a virus-free new year, dear OM! Best regards from Kreuznach, Rhineland-Palatinate, FRG

*Germany's Central Weapons Factory from WWI and the singile most heavily targeted site in WWII