Canadian TV at Red Sands
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A two day visit by Canadian Television to Red Sands Radio on 17th & 18th September 2013
1. Emilie Ricard-Harvey (Director Camera), Claudie Gravel (Production Co-ordinator) Tony Pine, Tamy Emma Pepin (Presenter) with Bob Le-Roi
2. Skipper Mick Brooks at the helm of 'Spartacus'
3. Leaving Whitstable Harbour
4. Boy Beau (F60) with skipper owner Jason Ryan at helm entering Whitstable Harbour
5. Gathering atmos' shots
6. Tower Hill & Tankerton Slopes
7. Bretts Agregate Hopper dominates skyline
8. A speedy but wet vessel
9. Mick checks the instruments; depth (fish finder) radar & plotter
10. Western edge of the Kentish Flats Windfarm with weather station to right
11. Shivering Sands Fort Towers, Cobelfret Ferry ' Celendine' & Wind Turbines
Park Offices, Purfleet Thames Terminal
Purfleet Deep Wharf, London Road
Purfleet, Essex, RM19
(01708 - 891 199)
12. Caught ... | 13. Tamy blogging |
14. Skipper Mick with Tamy
15. First view; Red Sands Forts
16. Ideal day for a visit
17. Clearly showing catwalk ...
18. ... & the wind turbine
19. The seven Towers from the South East
20. Six Towers from the South
21. Lone yachtsman
22. G1 & G4 3.7 Gun Towers | 23. Southern Gun Tower |
24. Catwalk linking G1 & Control Tower
25 & 26. Red Sands Radio Antenna
27. Control Tower, G2, Searchlight & G3 Towers
28. Bofors Gun Tower
27. Catwalk with Shivering Sands beyond
28. Catwalk detail
29. Southern Gun Tower Landing Stage
30. CMA CGM Container Ship in the Oaze Channel
The French CMA CGM are the 3rd largest container transport company in the world
31. Red Sands Bouy marked: N - RED SAND TOWERS
32 & 33. Southern Gun Tower
34 & 35. Southern Gun Tower close up detail
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