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Red Sands Radio - Part 13

The 2009 TX

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Red Sands Radio 87.7 Logo

For our 2009 transmission we've been allocated 87.7 MHz

Even though this year we're ashore we'll be maintaining our nautical links based at our Tendering Port Whitstable Harbour

Middle Sands Beacon

The Middle Sands Beacon, deceptive but 1.5 nautical miles from Red Sands

Red Sands Radio 2009 Press Release 1

Sea Horses

Not unusual, a stiff breeze cutting across the Thames Estuary making sea horses

Tender approaches

Tender 'gingerly' approaches Fort as the tide turns

Close up of Fort

Kevin Turner lingering lower level

Red Sands Radio 2009 Press Release 2

Top doors open

Viewed from the top door way, seas have abated

Old bathroom

Fancy a Bath whilst you're aboard?

Looking for ships

Tender spotting

Red Sands Radio 2009 Press Release 3

X-Pilot in the middle distance

The X-Pilot approaching having laid off in the Swale

Seeing off the Tender

A hearty wave goodbye

Southern Gun Tower

Final view as the tender pulls away

Red Sands Radio 2009 Press Release 4

To wrap up some pictures taken on the final evening broadcasts of Red Sands Radio by James Day

Southern Gun Tower late evening shot

The last visitors Tender arrives at the Fort late on Friday 13th July

James Day & Jenny

James Day & his daughter Jenny enjoy the spectacular night views from the top of the Gun Tower

James Day in the studio

James comes & has a word in the studio during the last programme

Skipper Alan & Jenny

A solemn moment, the last few minutes before the Tender leaves Skipper Alan & James Day's daughter Jenny

Tender leaves Red Sands

Time for a beer the sun's over the yard arm

Poptastic Seagull

Remember a million & one Seagulls can't be wrong

The Tender leaves shortly after our Chief Engineer Peter Chicago turns off the TX

Red Sands Radio 87.7 Logo

Red Sands Radio on 87.7 MHz

The region map

With thanks to James Day for the extra photographs

23/08/09 - Hello its Ella !!! we have visited your websites and there very good !! your very famous!! big kisses from Ella the Parents and Louis

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