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Red Sands Radio - Part 11

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Souther Gun Tower Landing Platform

Red Sands Fort Southern Gun Tower with banners everywhere

Robin comes down to say hello

Robin greets the Tender

Tender edges closer

Perfect conditions for Supply Tender

Emily Aldred does a link

The journalist's taken over! Emily Aldred of Sportsboat & RIB Magazine

Jet skiers around the Forts

Right on cue for Emily Jet Skiers scream by the Forts

Base frame leg braces below G1

Low tide beneath Gun Tower 1 the Oxford Picture Frame leg bracing & Fort antenna earth

Red Sand Tower North Bouy Red Sands Radio Antenna & Flag

East bound traffic
Winds up cloud building rain due

Passing shipping

East & West bound shipping

Laura Beavis makes a link

ICOM (UK) Ltd Sales & Marketing Laura Beavis tries the play-out


Fast talker Dave Stockley M.D of ICOM (UK) at GB0RSR

On platform by Tender

Seeing people safely aboard the Tender; Printz, an anorak, 'Big' Phil Shepherd & Kevin Turner hoping I fall off the remains of the WWII gantry 

Tender leaving

Guests departing

Looking South from Fort roof Choppy seas around Bofors

Usual high winds return
Yacht battles under bare poles

Yachts sailing by

Grey & overcast in a stiff breeze

A little Force 3 off the Forts

Yacht keeled over but only a force 3

Stairs to the roof Evening shot of gun tower

Battened down view from Magazine corridor to roof stairs in evening
Image grain testifies to low light level shot of Gun Tower 4

Printz editing

Printz editing at the Engineers bench

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