Red Sands Fort
Red Sands Radio antenna maintenance
3rd April 2016
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1. Yachts at All Tide Landing Queenborough
2. & 3. From the X-Pilot on the All Tide Landing
4. Yachts on the All Tide Landing from the prow of X-Pilot
5. Leaving the All Tide Landing
6. Adsteam Damen ASD 2411 Tugs at Sheerness
These highly maneuverable stern drive vessels have around a 70 ton bollard pull
Built in Vietnam the tugs have been in service since 2006
7. Grain Tower 1
8. Grain Tower 2
9. Grain Tower 3
10. Grain Tower 4
See our full feature on Grain Tower
11. Approaching Red Sands Fort ...
12. ... from the West
13. Alternative to 12 above
14. Closer view from West
Southern Gun Tower One (G1) |
Control & Southern Gun Tower One (G1) |
G1, 2 & Control Towers |
Gun Tower 2 |
19. & 20. Southern Gun Tower ...
21. ... with Red Sands Radio antenna
Antenna from below |
23. Bob with David Phillips & Robin Adcroft |
24. Intermediate level, essential tea break
25. Bob & Dave on the roof of G1
26. Bob with David Phillips & Robin Adcroft
27. Former Officers (NCO's) Recreation Room, Red Sands Radio Studio
Originally the room was split to encompass a store room which was retained for a time on Shivering Sands when Radio Sutch & City used the same room as their studio
28. G1 to Control Tower Jungle Walk
Bofors Tower |
Red Sands Radio Generator Plant |
Between the legs from the base of G1 |
Frame 29 photographed from NCO's Sleeping area which was the Red Sands Radio Lounge & News Room
30. Red Sands Radio Generators are Kipor KDE 6500T with an output of 5.5 kVa
31. Roof ring pull gun platform lock
32. Shipping in the Oaze Deep
On way to Knock John Channel, Knob Channel then depending on destination North East into the Warp, Swain, Middle Deep into Kings, or Barrow or Black Deep
Easterly to Alexandra, Princes, Edinburgh, Knock Deep or Queens