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A Power Cruise by fast RiB to all three of the Offshore Forts used throughout the 1960's by the Radio Pirates
This Radio Forts Special on 19th June 2005 covered over 40 miles with over 2 hours at sea
Kitting up with self inflating life belts at Neptune Jetty Herne Bay Kent
The Knock John Fort once home to Radio Essex later Britain's Better Music Station
The massive Eastern leg still in reasonable condition despite having had no maintenance or repair since left by caretaker crews in 1958
Underside of the Northern Wing
Today the Forts are used as home to roosting Seagulls
Leaving the Knock John
Approaching Shivering Sands from the North East once home to Radio Sutch then Radio City
The standard supply boat approach having rounded the Southern Shivering Sands Buoy to come alongside the G1 Gun Tower
Thanks to Neil Edwards for the above picture
Bofors Tower from the South
Control Tower
Gun Tower G1 from south |
Gun Tower G1 from G2 gun Tower |
Control Tower from beneath G2 Gun Tower