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Mebo 1 & 2 in Libya - Part 1

An exclusive two part feature on the former Radio Northsea International ships Mebo 1 & 2

RNI closed down for the final time on 31st August 1974 having broadcast off the European coast since January 1970

The following 35mm transparencies have just been discovered in a shed by Robin Banks former Transmitter Engineer & Jock on RNI

Despite suffering from exposure to damp we've enhanced the quality to improve viewing

The two ship were towed to Slikkerveer harbour Rotterdam & laid up

Plans were soon underway for an Italian station Radio Nova but the project floundered in late 1974 & the ships remained in Slikkerveer

Eventually the vessels are sold & sail to Libya Robin stayed aboard as Radio Engineer

Tripoli Harbour 1977

Commercial cargo shipping in Tripoli Harbour in 1977 taken from the top of the mast of the Mebo 2

Just a few miles from Malta in the Mediterranean, Libya on the North coast of Africa has been an important outpost since the days of the Roman Empire

Mebo 2 in Tripoli outer harbour

Mebo 2 reaches Libya in 1977

The ships are prepared to carry four separate radio services

From top of Mebo 2

Looking down from the top of the aerial mast to the decks of the Mebo 1 & 2

The crew are presided over by a Yugoslavian Captain

Piet & Alfonso

Alfonso the cook works the Galley with Piet

Alfonso does the BBQ

Alfonso stabs the cake at the on deck BBQ

Jop de Pau & Robin Banks

Nightime shot on deck of RNI ship engineer Jop De Pau left & right Robin proposes a toast

Ships crew

Up by the funnel sea crew that had sailed the Mebo from Rotterdam

From top of Mebo 2

Looking down from the top of the mast as work continues on aerials

Equipped with its 5 transmitters 2 Medium Wave & Short Wave, & an FM the Mebo 2 was to broadcast Radio Jamharia, the Arab Voice, Libya International in English & the Holy Koran

Mebo 1 & 2

Mebo 1 & 2

Cat with Piet

Cat in a cabin with Piet

Flags from mast of Mebo 2

Bunting flags flying from the Mast

Heinz Hunter

Heinz Hurter on test broadcast

Edwin Bollier's second wife's brother Heinz was the only Swiss National to remain aboard the ship in Libya

Mebo 2 with new t ariel

Mebo 2 with the addition of a T'ariel

This feature will continue in Mebo 1 & 2 in Libya

Grateful thanks to Robin Banks for these unique & rare pictures of the Mebo's in Libya

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