South Coast Radio
Part two of a feature on one of Ireland's independant free stations with a fleeting glance at some of their competition
Split for easy viewing
The SCR Launch Poster
The ERI Studio
Audio |
Radio DJ links how many do you remember? |
Answers at the end of the page
Terry opens a pot on the ERI Gates desk
Ian Richards the overnight host on ERI sorting singles
Paul Graham in the ERI studio
See Big L 1997 : Radio London 2001
Audio |
Coast Radio DJ links how many do you remember? |
South Coast Radio first birthday celebrations
Salesman Don Harris on stage with the cake but who is he?
Tom Joyce Managing Director of SCR with Barmaid from Henches Bar below the studios
I was trilled to see some what a great job that you have done on the website for SCR & ERI. I am writing to you is to ask you if you would send me some pictures of Tom Joyce. You may have heard Tom passed away on Monday 2nd of May & I'm putting together as many photos as I can for Anne Joyce. If you can help in any way I would be most grateful.
Regards Anthony Connolly - Tentsaf Technology Ltd
Pictures supplied with compliments - BLR
Jackie, Keith York's girlfriend with right Nick Richards girlfriend
Newsman Jim Lockhart with Siobhan Wall
Terry cuts the second SCR birthday celebration cake with Tom Joyce and his wife
Hugh Browne with then girlfriend Geraldine
Incredible pictures and words !!!
I really enjoyed being transported back to the past, by the way the salesman with the birthday cake is Don Harris. Thanks for the memories - Hugh Browne
Nick Richards with Tony Allan camping it up
Hugh Brown and a lady friend Geraldine again
Hugh Browne giving mouth to mouth
Nick Richards with girlfriend amused at Tony Allan's inflatable friend
Irish Canadian Peter Marr Sales Director with girlfriend in background
Don Stevens sister in law & wife, right unknown, and Tom Joyce's wife in the foreground
Deserted newsroom
Tony Allan friends of girls in a gaggle
The other transmitter site on a farm outside Cork City airport
Keith York in the transmitter hut
Transmitter ET 4336 control panel
Compressor with Eagle tuner amplifier
25 watt FM link transmitter outside the studio
Whilst it's
Back to work
for little Nick Richards
Terry prepares a cart' for playout
Paul Graham
Quarter inch tape editing overseen by Stevie Dunne
Different day problem sorted
Grateful thanks to all those who've provided material and information for this feature, especially Terry Vacani
Answers to the DJ Links
The Leprechauns on ERI were Bob Kingsley, Don Allen, Andy Hewkin, Andy Archer & Paul Graham
Whilst the Irish Pixies on South Coast Radio were John Kenny, Nick Richards, Peter Madison, Andy Hawkin & Paul Graham
If we've omitted yours, a colleagues or friends name we'd love to hear from you
For the full adventure see SCR Part 1
Just a quick line to say that your South Coast Radio features brought back many memories as I lived and still do about 600metres away from Henchy's pub where the station was based. A few updates which may be of interest to you. Newsreader Jim Lockhart now hosts the mid morning phone in show on 96fm under his real name Neil Prenderville. Nick Richards host the breakfast show on the same station. Tom Joyce is a local counciller and is involved in a lot of business ventures.Peter Maher who had been a very successful underage athlete when back running after he left South Coast. Many of his SCR colleagues may be surprised at this as he was a big man to say the least. However he shed several stone, went back training and represented Ireland in the marathon at the 1988 Olympics in Souel. He also ran several time in the New York and London marathons. Peter still lives locally. I saw an advert lately in the local paper for some venture that Peter is involved but I cant for the life of me remember what it was ! Finally John Kenny is a sports reporter on RTE radio
I came accross these recently which may be interest above is a view of the aerial at 7 Adeliade Place, St Lukes Cross, Cork where the 2nd SCR studios were located. When the station came on air in early 1982 it broadcast from studios in The Metropole Hotel, McCurtain Street, Cork. After a few weeks there were complaints from the NUJ and the station had to move from the hotel to Adeliade place
The front & rear view of the aerial at 40 St Lukes Cross where the station moved to after about 6 months on air. It was a short move as the two addresses are only about 200 metres apart!
Finally above is a newspaper cutting from 19th May 1983 around the time of the big raids. Hope the qbove useful, keep up the good work. Best regards - Pat Healy
Where Are the Now?
Peter Maher is running his own company Mahers Sports Therapy in Carrigaline just outside Cork city & is also involved in coaching athletes
John Kenny who works for RTE Sports in Dublin featured has several times been on BBC Radio 4's Test Match Special helping with commentaries & analysis during the recent Cricket World Cup
Ian Richards (ERI overnight host) is still involved
in discos & equipment hire in Cork.He sill has the long hair but now more
grey than black - A bit like the rest of us ha ha! 14/5/07 - Pat Healy
Saw the Irish Radio feature. I was a newsreader at ERI in the 80's during the times of Emer Lucy, Paul Graham, Ian Richards & Liam Quigley. My word how time zooms by! Since been in ILR & BBC in England whilst chasing tornadoes in Kansas and Oklahoma. Like the site brought many memories back of the pioneering days of broadcasting in Eire when we gave RTE a good run for their money & they lost whatever happened to the RTE local op in Cork was it dropped? Keep me informed if you've heard any more tales of what's happened to the great guys/girls in those times in the years since then. All the best - Shaun Osullivan
Just surfing & found your wonderful website with some great pictures from The Cork days. How we have all grown up The long haired man in the picture is Ian Richards the ERI overnight guy back then - Liam Quigley
Great to see the South Coast Radio feature it brought back some great memories of working on both South Coast in the Metropole Hotel & later ERI, with Liam Quigley, Shaun O'Sullivan, Andrew Hewkin, Paul Graham, Stuart Scott & of course the late Don Allan, Tony Allan, Yorkie, Terry Vacani, & loads more other days :) I've worked all around Ireland & the world since then. Still working in Ireland to this day. Slainte - Steve Marshall