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Red Sands Radio Fort

'Hidden Britain by Drone'

Issue: 1 Updated: 14th May 2020

Filming to camera with the Windfall Films and Spider Aerial Filming for Channel 4 Television (UK) on 4th May 2018

TV Programme Flyer

Channel 4 Programme Flyer


Brand New off the slips 'Pelican's' first voyage to Queenborough

Sheerness Docks

Old Sheerness Dock entrance

Switzer Vale

Tug 'Switzer Vale' surveying dockside waters

Sheerness Port

Sheerness Port with Switzer Tugs 'Harty', 'Vale' and 'Victory'

Harty & Vale

Switzer Tugs 'Harty' and 'Vale'

Victory & Vale

Switzer Tugs 'Victory' and 'Vale'

Pilot Vessel

Estuary Services 'Escort' Pilot Vessel

TV Crew

James Coldwell and Toby


Support vessel 'Dementer' (Queenborough)

Generator Transfer

Generator transfer from 'Dementer'

BLR on X Pilot

X-Pilot underway

Red Sands Fort Aerial

X-Pilot approaches Red Sands Forts

Red Sands Aerial

Red Sands Forts looking towards the Kentish Flats windfarm

Red Sands Forts Aerial

Red Sands Forts looking towards the Kentish Flats windfarm

Red Sands Forts Aerial

Red Sands Forts Bofors Tower out of view

Red Sands Fort Aerial

Red Sands Forts; Gun 1, Control, Gun 2, 3 & 4 top Bofors Tower

Gun Tower 1 Roof

Gun 1 with Red Sands Radio collapsed Antenna

Support Vessel

'Dementer' makes her approach

Cobelfret Ro-Ro Ferry

Service from Purfleet by the Dartford Crossing to Zeebrugge, Vlisslingen and Rotterdam with French Flamant class Patrol Vessel 'Cormoran' P677

Support Vessel

'Dementer' drone preparation

Drones Airbourne

Drone Airbourne

X Pilot arrives at Red Sands Fort

X-Pilot arrives at Red Sands Forts

X Pilot alongside Red Sands Gun Tower 1

X-Pilot alongside Gun Tower #1

Boiler Room Jame Coldwell James Coldwell

Boiler Room James prepares to film

Mens Accomodation

Men's Accommodation Naomi in the former Red Sands Radio studio

Light Switch

Intermediate bulkhead Light Swith intermediate level

X pilot Cruising between Towers

X-Pilot cruises between Red Sand Fort Towers

Aerial shot of Red Sands Fort

Aerial view of the seven Tower Red Sands Fort complex

Note figure at Boiler Room window ...

Bob Le-Roi at window of boiler room

... Bob's in the Boiler Room

The floor is wafer thin, I was standing on the pipework and clinging on for dear life!

Bob Le-Roi on Walkway

Bob on the walkway of Southern Gun Tower 1

Gun Tower 3 Gulls on G3

3.7" Gun Tower #3 Gulls on Gun Tower #3 Crane Jib

Red Sands Fort Complex

Departing Red Sands Fort looking Eastwards


Saga Cruise Ship 'Magellan' with Medway Pilot 'Escort' Cruise and Ship Detail

Film Crew

Production Crew - Ben Shephard, Mike Bishop, James Caldwell and Toby, Naomi and Emma

Windfall Films Logo

Windfall Films 1-20 Slinger Street, London, EC2A 4BQ

Spider Aerial Filming


Tony, Sue & Dick

Tony Pine, Susan Pine & Dick Dixon at Beltinge (3rd May 2018)

The TV programme focused primarily on Red Sands and the Radio Stations that broadcast from there, the production crew did chat with Tony, Sue and Dick the previously about their involvement and time on Radio Sutch and City

Thames Estuary

The remote end of Herne Bay Pier from Beltinge (3rd May 2018)

With thanks to Ben, Mike and Toby Spider Aerial Filming for the drone photographs