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Sailing Barge Greta

Part 3

Issue: 1 Updated: 6th September 2017

Concluding our copy free feature

Greta rope fenders Greta anchor Greta deck fitting

Sailing S.B. Greta off the North Kent Coast

Greta at anchor off Whitstable

Lying off Whitstable

Greta upping anchor

Sav' takes up the anchor

Red Sands Forts through the haze

Red Sands through the morning haze as we make for the River Medway

See Fort Fax for the history of the Thames Estuary forts

With Val'

"Kettle's on" Val' looking at the Radio Documentary CD collection

Ross Revenge by Rochester Bridge

Upstream to the 'Ross Revenge' tethered by Rochester Bridge

Ross Revenge starboard side

She's alongside the old ship breakers yard & overlooked by the Norman Castle

Ross Revenge starboard side in evening light

Evening from our overnight mooring on Strood Pier

Russian submarine at Strood pier

Astern of us the Russian submarine U-475 Black Widow

One of the Foxtrot class of 74 built between 1957 - 1983 commissioned in 1967 at Sudomekh Shipyard, Leningrad for the Soviet Navy she was decommisioned in 1994 and sold into private hands

Ross Revenge through lifebuoy

The 'Ross Revenge' through an appropriate life-buoy!

Greta underway downstream on River Medway

Mission accomplished we motor down the River Medway Steve & Sav' ready for a bargeman's breakfast

Upnor woods

Upnor Woods

Crane barge passes on Portside

Overhauled by tug towing a crane barge Gillingham marina ahead to starboard

WW1 U'Boat in the 1930's

"Flashback" German WWI U Boat UB-122 wreck pictured in the 1930's showing bow net cutter

German U Boat UB-122

German WWI U Boat UB-122 (Invicta Kent Media 2014)

UB-122 is in the salting's of the lower Medway around Humble Bee Creek and Damhead Creek, she emurged after storms in 2013 and is the only German Submarine visible in UK waters

German U Boat UB-122

German WWI U Boat UB-122 (Invicta Kent Media 2014)

Equiped with 10 torpedoes UB-122 was stripped of its engines and useful metal for scrap

Note: 26 Submarines were dumped and are littered around the River Medway, two submerged wrecks lie north of the long fuel pier at Hoo St Werburgh

Two German U' Boat generators went to Daventry to power the early broadcast radio station 2LO

Kingferry Bridge

Through the Swale to the Kingsferry Road & Rail Bridge that link North Kent to the Isle-of-Sheppey

Kingferry Bridge Lifted

Bridge lifts are to a set timetable

About to pass under Kingferry Bridge

The middle road-rail section raised

Passing under Kingferry Bridge

Bridge staff admire 'Greta'

Through Kingferry Bridge looking back

The middle section back in lowered position

Paper mill cranes

Paper mill cranes

Wreck of old wooden ferry in Swale

Wreck of an old wooden ferry

Close by seals bask on the warm mud

Greta anchor winch Greta air vent

Out for a "Jolly"

Greta under sail

On a Westerly Heading

A drop of sponsors Master Brew

Martin with Val'on the helm & Steve all supping the sponsors fine Master Brew

Shepherd Neame Logo

Greta sails into the sunset

A couple of hours out evening approaches

Sunset from Whitstable Yacht Club

Returning to harbour for a fine sunset across the bay

Sunset from Whitstable Yacht Club

The late Peter Cushing told me in an interview for BBC Radio that this was his favourite view

Greta rigging Greta rigging

Next morning up bright & early

Greta on summer berth at Whitstable harbour south quay

Stern view looking into Dead Man's Corner Whitstable Harbour

Val' in wet gear

A rare sight Val' at the wheel takes a shower without complaint as Greta sets off for lay-up in Faversham at the end of the season

Motoring up to Faversham

Approaching the old Oyster House now an Insurance Company office on the ground floor with luxury accommodation above

Approaching Standard Quay Faversham

Neighboring barges jostle to make room for Greta at here home port Standard Quay, Faversham

Davington Priory

"Flashback" 'Davington Priory', Faversham was built in 1153 once a Nunnery now home to Sir Bob Geldof

Greta charter leaflet


9/1/07 - Web Site Message from: Richard Fishlock Hi Bob, I have just been hunting for information on the "Net" & came across you interesting site dedicated to the Sailing Barge Greta, you obviously have an interest in history & know something of the local waters etc maybe there is a chance you may be able to provide me with some information.

I am currently trying to locate information in relation to my Great Grandfather John Fishlock.
He was employed as a police officer for 27 years in the City of Rochester Police force (1864 -1892) in the days before the City & Borough forces amalgamated to form the present unified police force.

On his retirement with the rank of Seargent he still had a sizable family to support and no Social Security in those days so he apparently abtained employment on a steam ferry service running between Upnor & Rochester. (I have in my possession his brass telescope from this period & also an antique brass padlock reputed to have been used on his cash satchel)

I have always assumed that this was a public ferry service though what little information I have been able to obtain to date tends to suggest that the public ferry service for this route existed till about 1884 when the Admiralty extended the Chatham Royal Navy Dockyards. (ie about 8 years before he started work on the ferry) My limited information indicates that there was an Admiralty ferry which serviced the Upnor armament depot till about 1959. So maybe he was employed on this?

I would be most grateful to hear whether you or any of your contacts have any information on the Upnor to Rochester steam ferry. Best wishes - Richard Fishlock, Mount Barker, South Australia

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