Radio Caroline and Atlanta
Issue: 1 Date: 9th January 2021
Copy free early pictures of the MV 'Fredericia' and the MV 'Mi-Amigo'
Including photographs from Les Woollam Signal Radio founder and owner of Take 2 Studios
Oil painting by Johnn Smith produced representing the 'Fredericia' off the Isle-of-Man
Radio Mercur Ship 'Cheeta I' off Denmark (December 1958)
Broadcasting as Radio Mercur off Denmark from the 'Cheeta 1' which later to become the first Radio Syd ship
The inspiration for Radio Caroline and Radio Atlanta came from the Scandinavian and Dutch Radio Veronica
Project Atlanta's ship the 'Mi Amigo' of Planet Productions was held up in favour of the 'Fredericia' renamed 'Caroline' by Ronan O'Rahilly after USA President of Irish decent John F Kennedy's daughter
More hold ups reported by the Daily Mail and Record Retailer
Local Irishman Dave meets friends John and Les
Greenore in the Irish Republic
Port gates with the Greenore Hotel behind hardly changed since 1964
The UK Commercial Radio race to fit out the radio ships went on here at Ronan's father Aodhogan O'Rahilly's Greenore Port in early 1964
Hardly a surprise that Ronan's ship the 'Caroline' was ready first!
Greenore Port headland Dave recalling the 'Fredericia' sailing for England
Press shot of the 'Mi Amigo' by then Caroline South beached at Essex in January 1966 having dragged her anchor in a easterly force 8
The Scandinavian Radio Syd vessel 'Cheeta 2' was used until April whilst the 'Mi Amigo' was repaired
Britt Wadner owner of Radio Syd with Ronan O'Rahilly & Colin Nicole in the 'Cheeta 2' studio
The change from 199 to 259 as the 'Mi Amigo' returns in April 1966 with a 50Kw transmitter
Audio |
Request Show with Tony Prince from the 'Mi Amigo' on 253 simulcast
from the Cheeta on 199 |
The 253 frequency was to be promoted as 259 to rhyme with the stations name
Meanwhile the 'Caroline' having sailed around the south coast of Britain & into the Irish Sea broadcasts as Caroline North off the Isle of Man
Pictured above in 1967 with distinctive Caroline signage only along starboard side
Whilst port side only had Caroline painted below original 'Fredericia' stamped hull plate pressing
The starboard side name was never repainted
Circa 1967 studio on the 'Fredericia' with Gates Studioette desk one of a similar design still serviceable in 2004 onboard the 'Ross Revenge'
Gates record transcription units, Ampex open reel tape machine, Spotmaster cartridge players & prominent AKG D12 microphone
The late Don Allen in action
'Daffy' Don Allen cues turntable 2
The superb pictures above taken by John Aston in 1967 on his 1937 Rollicord 1A camera whilst he worked as a news reader on Caroline North
Calmer seas at least for a while as the Caroline ships operate virtually unscathed
'Mi Amigo' in Holland 1968
Nice one, remember Caroline coming round the coast to the IOM. I used to run a 1kW pirate station in Brighton in the early 60's, all respectable & licensed now! - Andy
This feature will continue in Caroline in the 70's - Part 1
For a surname A-Z biograghy of the Radio Atlanta/Caroline & the 60's Offshore Jocks The Pirate Hall of Fame
Grateful thanks to Johnn Smith, Richard Palmer, Les Woollam, John Thomas, John Aston & Offshore 3 tender mate Harry Maddrell