Kenny Everett (b Maurice Cole)
25th December 1944 – 4th April 1995

Kenny Everett was a DJ very much responsible for the great success of Radio London, and for changing the face of British broadcasting for ever.
The Radio London website commemorates the date of Kenny's death with tribute pages to a man particularly dear to Big L listeners. We began in April 2000 and have continued to add new tributes and memories with each successive year.

During a surfing expedition in 2000, it was surprising to discover Kenny Everett to be top of the list of favourite presenters of retired CBC presenter, Art Rockwood, in Newfoundland, Canada. I contacted Art, to ask him if he knew of the connection between Kenny (and Cash) and KLIF in Dallas. Art replied:

Hi Mary,

Thanks for the bit of trivia. I loved Kenny's show. I knew a bit of his history including his pirate radio days. You can't be a fan of someone like Kenny Everett and not want to know more about him.

I'm retired (after 30 years) from an on-air position at CBC. When Kenny died a few years back, I did a tribute to him on my show here in Newfoundland and included a couple of samples of his work, even though I knew my listeners didn't know of Kenny Everett. I mentioned what an inspiration he'd been and whenever I felt uninspired all I had to do was dig out a Kenny Everett tape and I'd be all gung-ho again. After the show I had several calls from people who had actually remembered Kenny from times when they either lived in or were visiting Britain, and said it was nice that I had taken the time to pay tribute to him. Unfortunately the tape containing the tribute disappeared.

Somewhere in my aircheck collection I have a Kenny and Cash show from Capital Radio, along with a few of Kenny's from Radio One, Radio Luxembourg and Capital. Just recently a friend in the US who is also a huge Everett fan sent me a copy of some Kenny Everett video shows. Wonderful stuff.

Regards, Art R

A few days later I spoke to Dave Cash and related this story. Dave was genuinely touched to hear that someone in Canada had taken the trouble to present a tribute show to Kenny.


Click on the photo below to listen to an MP3 file of a clip from the end of a show Ken co-presented with Keith Skues, called Radio Skuesreel, which was broadcast Saturday, Feb 25th, 1967, only a month before Ken left Big L for the final time.

More info on Kenny and his Radio London shows can be found in our Knees Club feature . Other audioclips on the site are from the Climber Review: "At four till five, Tony Blackburn joins me and we squash every Climber that we've got dead flat – except for the ones we like, of course!" which followed the Fab Forty for 23rd October 1966. There's also Kenny and Ed Stewart singing the weather forecast on Christmas Day 1966.

He also appeared in the film Dateline Diamonds. A full feature about the film is here.

Excellent tribute sites include Everettweb tribute site and

Kenny Tribute Pages
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