Page Twelve
Robbie Dale

The Admiral of the Beat Fleet himself (below – minus uniform)
shares his personal photo album and captions

(Right, The Lady in her glory)

Johnnie Walker
Carl Mitchell
Roger Twiggy Day
Ross Brown
Mark, Steve, Visitor, Robbie
News and Production Studio
Kees the cook, and friends
Offshore 1 alongside the Mi Amigo
Spangles Muldoon
Spangles Muldoon and Ray Cooper
No ship should be without a transmitter!
Peter Postumus mixer, and cart machines, main studio
The 'Level Devil'
(an early audio compressor)
1965 50KW refit mast and coil
Continental 50KW mast

Photos copyright Robbie Dale. Grateful thanks to Robbie for sharing these special pictures.

All contributions for our offshore scrapbooks will be gratefully received. Radio London scrapbook here.